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and Vermont

Danish cargoship with 100 migrants

A Danish cargo ship carrying a hundred rescued African migrants waits five miles off shore near Pozzallo for orders as to what to do. The migrants were rescued off the Libyan shore by a non-profit rescue boat and transferred to the Danish cargo ship.
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Palermo Manifesta: art on immigrants

From the NY Times:

By Kimberly Bradley

June 22, 2018

PALERMO, Sicily — Political art and world politics seldom dovetail in real time, but as the twelfth edition of the Manifesta contemporary art biennial approached, its host city of Palermo found itself walking its talk.

Titled “A Planetary Garden: Cultivating Coexistence,” the exhibition, which opened June 16, takes migration as one of its themes. And days before the international art crowd descended on the Sicilian capital, Italy’s new interior minister, Matteo Salvini, closed the country’s ports to rescue boats — including the Aquarius, a ship looking to dock in Italy with 629 migrants aboard. Read More 
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