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and Vermont

25th anniversary of Mafia murder of Giovanni Falcone

Trump fires the people investigating him. In Sicily, with the complicity of politicians, the mafia kills them. RIP Giovanni Falcone, his wife and three body guards who were blown up with him 25 years ago today. Read "Excellent Cadavers" by Alexander Stille.
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fisherman confesses to fishing up WW2 bombs for explosives that killed Falcone

A fisherman already condemned to 30 years in jail for his part in the murder of Giovanni Falcone, wife and body guards, has confessed in court to being the one who procured the explosives for the job from unexploded World War Two bombs he fished up from the bottom of the sea.
Cosimo D'Amato helped  Read More 
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How Falcone Died

How he was killed.
A photo of the explosion site on the highway in Capaci, between the airport and Palermo town. Date: 23 May 1992
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