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Islamic feast of the sacrifice celebrated outdoors in Palermo

A thousand faithful and Palermo Mayor Leoluca Orlando celebrate the Islamic Feast of the Sacrifice held seaside in the Foro Italico.
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Prison wall art at Palermo's Inquisition jail

I have toured this place a couple of times. It is incredible.
From the Guardian:
By age 20 Francesco Mannarino had seen more of life than was good for him. The son of a Sicilian fisherman, he had been seized as a boy by Muslim pirates and converted, perhaps forcibly, to Islam.

In the early 17th century apostasy was not an offence so long as the convert reported promptly to the officials of the dreaded Inquisition after being ransomed or recaptured. Mannarino did so, but something must have failed to convince them he was still truly a Christian and he was thrown into the dungeons alongside Palazzo Steri in Palermo. Read More 
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Monreale cathedral mosaics by drone

I hope the full, longer version has many more close-ups than this 1.5-minute clip does.
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Moslems hit the streets in anti-terrorism demonstration

Moslems in solidarity with the victims of the Paris massacres descended into the piazzas of Palermo and Catania on the first Friday after the terrorist attack on the French capital today.
"Religion is not terrorism," their signs said.

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Calendar rock at S. Ciparello, Palermo Province

Archeologist Alberto Scuderi, geoarcheologist Francesca Mercadante and her husband and co-explorer Dr. Pippo Lo Cascio have discovered that a seven-foot high rock with a hole carved out of it on a hilltop in Palermo province was actually a second-millenium B.C. megalithic structure that celebrates the winter solstice. On December 22 the first rays of  Read More 
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Votive altar at night

This votive altar was in the Albergheria quarter. A the end of this street are five steps down and you are right in front of the gated entrance to the cathedral. I loved the lights strung on in vertical stripes.
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