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and Vermont

Tower of S. Nicolo` open at night

The tower of the Church of San Nicolo` in Ballaro` will once again be open to the public at night for a 5-euro admission fee.
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Palermo by day

Here is a fine shot of Palermo by day, the same scene as Palermo by Night, of my Feb. 1 blog post below. If you don't look down at the refuse and garbage on the ground, things look really good.
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Liberation Day/ Cupola SS. Salvatore

Today is a national holiday celebrating the moment the Americans liberated italy from the Nazis and fascists in World War II. The street markets are closed, no one is answering my phone calls so I went out and became a tourist. I paid four euros to enter the church of the Most Holy Savior (  Read More 
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The morning view

Morning view from Via Teatro Biondo looking toward Via Vittorio Emanuele.
Sunny this morning. First day without clouds on the mountain all March. This is our view from the kitchen balcony. Palermo is ringed by mountains except for the part bathed by the sea.
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