The tower of the Church of San Nicolo` in Ballaro` will once again be open to the public at night for a 5-euro admission fee.
and Vermont
Tower of S. Nicolo`, Bagheria
September 8, 2015

View from the Tower of S. Nicolo`, Albergheria, Palermo
On 12 September, the Tower of the Church of San Nicolo` in the heart of Albergheria in Old Palermo will be open until midnight for half-hour tours. The view is so beautiful. Palermo at night can't be beat.
More Palermo by night
August 14, 2015
Used to be Palermo had no night life, they rolled up the sidewalks after supper. You had to belong to a club in order to get into a bar with music and liquor. I don't what happened or exactly Read More
San Lorenzo: Night of the Shooting Stars over Palermo
August 5, 2015

Night of the Shooting stars from the bell tower of the Church of San Nicolo in Albergheria, Palermo
The non-profit association Terradamare offers a unique occasion to tourists and locals alike to climb the stairs to the terrace around the belltower of San Nicolo` di Bari in Albergheria to see the night sky over the historic center of Palermo and to launch a little lantern from on high. Tickets are three euro. Read More
Palermo By Night
February 1, 2015

Palermo by Night
She is never more beautiful. This is a view of the Palermo cathedral from a rooftop in the historic center. Photographer unknown to me.
Postcard from Palermo
January 5, 2015
Piazza Bologni, also on the Cassaro, since last year at this time has been auto-free. Mayor Leoluca Orlando has been freeing up various historic piazzas, turning them from parking lots into pedestrian malls. From the blog "Amo Palermo," which means, I Love Palermo.