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and Vermont

La Favorita Park from on high

Parco della Favorita, on the north end of downtown Palermo, by Siculdrone. Splendid.
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Luigi sings "Personality" as done by Katerina Valente

Luigi, a homeless man who sleeps at a shelter and spends much of his days at the walk- in clinic, Danza delle Ombre (Shadowdance) run by Doctor Marina Scardavi, near Piazza Politeama. He asked me not to film his face. A woman who also comes daily to the clinic sings along with him until she forgets the words.  Read More 
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1944 Sunday dinner under the grape arbor

I remember these Sundays as something fun. The food and the fun on the lawn would go on into evening when I would catch fireflies and put them in a jar with holes punched in the cap for air. We little kids had a tin tub for a pool and a garden hose draped  Read More 
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