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and Vermont

Ignorant racists

Blood and soil. Blut und bloden. A Nazi slogan referring to its ""racist ideology that focuses on ethnicity based on two factors, descent blood (of a folk) and territory," per Wikipedia.
Don't they know that anybody living in the USA has the blood of immigrants? Including "Native Americans" who crossed the Bering Strait on their way from Asia? I guess not. They are just scared, scared of being "replaced". And scared people become bullies. Read More 
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Mafioso shot down while riding his bike in Palermo

From The Guardian:

A mafia boss has been gunned down while riding his bicycle in Sicily, in what appeared to have been the sort of mob killing that has become rarer in recent years as dangerous figures have been locked up.

Giuseppe Dainotti, 67, was shot in the head as he cycled along a street in Palermo, almost 25 years to the day since anti-Mafia magistrate Giovanni Falcone was killed in a bomb blast on a motorway on the Italian island.

Photographs of Monday’s crime scene evoked decades of violence in the Sicilian capital, showing Dainotti’s body covered by a sheet, only his shoes on show, and the white bicycle he was riding lying where it fell. Read More 
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Letizia Battaglia interview in Italian

Palermo director Franco Maresco interviews Letizia Battaglia, photojournalist who took the most iconic photos of the Mafia wars in Palermo during the 80s.

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