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and Vermont

Luigi sings "Personality" as done by Katerina Valente

Luigi, a homeless man who sleeps at a shelter and spends much of his days at the walk- in clinic, Danza delle Ombre (Shadowdance) run by Doctor Marina Scardavi, near Piazza Politeama. He asked me not to film his face. A woman who also comes daily to the clinic sings along with him until she forgets the words.  Read More 
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Mafia park goes to the dogs, and cats

Park land confiscated from the Mafia in Falsomiele outside Palermo will become the new home for hundreds of ownerless dogs and cats, according to a report in today's La Repubblica. The 27,000-square-meter park will include a place for the dogs to runa and play, a first-aid clinic and an operating room.
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