Piazza Bologni, also on the Cassaro, since last year at this time has been auto-free. Mayor Leoluca Orlando has been freeing up various historic piazzas, turning them from parking lots into pedestrian malls. From the blog "Amo Palermo," which means, I Love Palermo.
and Vermont
Flowers at night
January 4, 2015

A flowery balcony on the Cassaro by costagar51.
Thanks to costagar51, an avid Palermo fan and photographer, whose work I admire on the blog Domodama. even the narrowest, most decrepit alleyways in the historic center are lit by these elegant, cast iron lamps. This photo of a balcony laden with flower pots was taken on the Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Palermo's oldest street, Read More
December 20, 2014

Palermo today. Photographer unknown at this time.
An incredibly beautiful view of old Palermo from the sea at the bottom of Corso Vittorio Emanuele, the city's first street, whose oldest part, near the top a, near Porta Nuova, was built by the Phoenicians 2700 years ago. There is a homeless encampment just out of sight of this photo, to the bottom right,where Mohammed lives with his friends in campers and cars and tents along the shore. Read More