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and Vermont

The Golden Door

In the face of right-wing, racist  politicians who now rule Italy......

The door to Palazzo delle Aquile is covered with gold -- gold thermal blankets handed out to immigrants who are rescued from the sea. Palermo Mayor Leoluca Orlando says: "We are reminding everyone that we are engaged in defending the only race that exists: the human race."

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Under the volcano

An awesome view. Etna erupting. The Fontanarossa Airport was shut down for a few days. Fleri, a neighborhood of  Zafferana Etnea, was the epicenter of a strong earthquake that was a kilometer deep.

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Used shoes 1962

A lovely photo posted by Palermitano Curioso - B.V. on Facebook.

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Sicilian goddess re-installed on Vermont Capital Dome

Vermont Public Radio did a piece on the installation of the third iteration of the goddess Ceres (aka Demeter) , goddess of agriculture, atop the golden dome of the capital building in Montpelier. Interesting Vermont/Sicily connection:

Demeter is the goddess of agriculture in Sicily. Her daughter, Persephone, was abducted beside a lake in central Sicily and spent the dry months underground in Hades.

Here is the link:


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