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and Vermont

Cityscape: La Guilla

This is why I love to roam the back streets of Palermo -- you find streets like this in the historic center. It had been a dump but now it's cleaned up, and somebody started a little garden there. From the Facebok group I Monumenti Abbandonati di Palermo, a group which also meets physically  Read More 
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New Year's Day, Palermo 1934

Here's a short, silent home movie of Palermo in the thirties. It shows the Liberty gem Villa Deliella, (02:27 behind palms) destroyed in a night in the 1950s by the mafia to make way for a high rise, now the site of a car wash. Its absence breaks the hearts of Palermitans.
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Monreale cathedral mosaics by drone

I hope the full, longer version has many more close-ups than this 1.5-minute clip does.
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Palermo cathedral this Christmas

Away from the hustle and bustle of shopping, Pietro Cancelliere captured the Christmas beauty of the Cathedral at night.
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Into the Night

Again, because it is so beautiful, and maybe you missed it the first time.
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