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8 Traffickers arrested in yesterday's immigration horror

Eight traffickers, including a minor, were arrested in connection with the deaths of 49 immigrants who suffocated in the hold of a broken-down fishing vessel. Survivors of the fateful voyage arrived at Catania today. They said that those who tried to escape the hold were beaten back with clubs and kicks to the head by the traffickers. Read More 
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Volunteers give psychological counseling to immigrant torture and trauma victims

They tell of torture in the country of origin or during the long voyage to Europe, which may last years. But also psychological traumas undergone n the Italy's "welcome centers". The walk-in clinic of Palermo General Hospital Immigration Medicine has been in service for seven years thanks to the work of volunteers who work  Read More 
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Latest wave of refugees saved

860 refugees reached land at Palermo, another 548 at Trapani. Many are already looking for a ticket to nortern Europe. Over the weekend 5,851 people were saved from the Mediterraneaean Sea. According to souces in Rome the number of immigrants landing since the beginning of the year are ten percent more than in the same time period  Read More 
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"Inhuman violence"; traffickers clubbed migrants to death

Some of the survivors of the raft that sank 80 miles off the coast of Libya, killing 400 by drowning, said that their traffickers had beaten several of their fellow travelers to death with clubs because they did not obey. One man was beaten to death at the farm where the refugees are stockpiled until setting  Read More 
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