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Refugees become Volunteers for New Refugees

A beautiful story by my favorite La Repubblica reporter, Claudia Brunetto. I translate it here:
They arrived last June at the port of Palermo, picked up on the high seas by a military ship. And since then they live in the parish of Falsomiele, guided by Father Sergio Mattaliano, director of the Catholic charity  Read More 
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Inside Santa Cita

View of the back wall of the Oratorio of Santa Cita, by Giacomo Serpotta
This often happens in Palermo. The outside is gruesome, or at least, uninviting. Inside, the big surprise.
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Funny and Sad

The crumbling wall of the Oratorio of the Most Holy Rosary in Santa Cita, known locally in Palermo as just "Santa Cita" is covered with obscene graffiti. Inside is one of the baroque masterpieces of stucco moulding, by Palermitano sculptor Giacomo Serpotta, an all-white extravaganza recently cleaned and restored. But on the outside were phallic symbols,  Read More 
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May 23, 23 years ago, Falcone murdered by the mob and Italian state

Falcone and Borsellino
Giovanni Falcone and his escort , Francesca Morvillo, Vito Schifani, Rocco Dicillo and Antonio Montinaro, were blown up by the mafia by 500 kilos of explosives on the highway between the Palermo airport and town. I had just returned to the states from Palermo and had been on that road after reporting on that spring's Favignana  Read More 
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Beloved Liberty demeter to be restored

The oldest business sign in Palermo, a Liberty ( Art Nouveau) mosaic of the goddess Demeter, goddess of grain, which advertised the only recently defunct Panificio Morello, a bakery in the Capo street market, is beng removed from its site on the front of a derepit building and being taken to the Palazzo Aiutamicristo for  Read More 
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Mafia park goes to the dogs, and cats

Park land confiscated from the Mafia in Falsomiele outside Palermo will become the new home for hundreds of ownerless dogs and cats, according to a report in today's La Repubblica. The 27,000-square-meter park will include a place for the dogs to runa and play, a first-aid clinic and an operating room.
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First generation Palermitans

Boys and girls, most of them born in Palermo, children of parents from far away who have rebuilt their lives in Palermo. Palermo always has been a melting pot of cultures and languages and skin colors. It still is.
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Funeral Fireworks in Piazza Independenza

Here is a video of a funeral cortege that stops traffic in the middle of Piazza Independenza in downtown historic center of Palermo. They open the door to the hearse carrying the corpse, and set off fireworks so the deceased can see them. One commentor said, "  Read More 
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650 immigrants land safely in Sicily

450 landed safely today at Augusta, Sicily and another 200 at Pozzallo, Sicily.
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Mayor Leoluca Orlando: Europe Like Pontius Pilate

Mayor Orlando says Europe has washed its hands of the tragedy and abandoned Sicily and Italy to its own devices when it comes to handling the huge continuing wave of refugees.
Three rescued Somalis, picked up by Maltese mercantile ship, arrived at Palermo and were hospitalized for health problems. Altogether 91 Somalis arrived at Palermo's  Read More 
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Roads and viaducts fall apart; Sicily divided in two

Last week Sicily was cut in two when an overpass on the Palermo-Catania Highway A19 broke up. One of the pilons sustaining the bridge ceded to a mudslide, leaned like the Tower of Pisa and is now pressing against other pilons. Engineers say the bridge will have to be demolished and rebuilt. Sicily has  Read More 
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