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and Vermont

Jacarandas proposed for Via E. Amari

Palermo cut down some ancient trees to install a new tram line, and now they are thinking about what to plant in their place. Along Via Emerico Amari, which leads to the Politeama theater from the cruise ship port, the city counselor in charge of urban greenery, Francesco Maria Raimondo, is thinking about planting rows of jacarandas, outrageous trees with indigo-colored flowers that bloom twice a year. Catania has had them for years and they are beautiful, although in the city with the stress of asphalt and air pollution they do not flower as profusely as the one in this picture. He says it would make a nice Palermo welcome to cruise ship passengers. Always thinking about bella figura, those Sicilians. I think it would nice for the people who LIVE there, more importantly, and I hope they take care of these trees if they do get planted.
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