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and Vermont

308 African immigrants arrived this a.m.; one dead

A corpse arrived in Trapani along with 308 immigrants around 8 this morning aboard a Doctors Without Borders ship,, according to La Repubblica. It seems the dead person suffered some health problems while aboard one of three motorized rubber raft rescued two days ago from waters off the coast of Libya by three ships,
the Spanish warship Canarias, the Irish war ship Samuel Beckett, and by the DWB ship, Dignity.
The migrants were from Somalia, Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Gambia, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Eritrea. The Nigerians numbered about 70 and they will all be repatriated according to new Italian Minister of Interior regulations. [!!!!????] The rest will go to immigration control centers [I can't call them welcome centers because many are abominations] in the provinces of Trapani, Tuscany, Liguria, Campania, Abruzzo and the Marches. After an austopsy, the unidentified body will be buried in the cemetery at Castellammare del Golfo, a beautiful coastal spot in Sicily. Of the immigrants, 72 were women.
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