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and Vermont

Some 3,000 migrants arrived Sicily between yesterday and today

From La Repubblica this morning:
Yesterday was an intense day full of disembarkations in Sicily: some 3,000 migrants arrived on the island's coasts in just a few hours, from Palermo to Catania to Messina, Pozzallo, Augusta and Lampedusa, putting the welcome infrastructure under great strain.
There was even the lifeless body of a newborn baby who arrived on a military rescue ship this morning at Pozzallo, born on the smuggling boat on the high seas. It is possible the baby had fatal respiratory problems. The baby's corpse arrived with 485 men, and 188 women, including 102 minors who were all rescued off the Libyan coast.
In another, unusual landing 33 migrants were dropped off at 2 a.m. onto the sandy beach of the tiny Island of the Currents in Portopalo. The group of 28 men and five women was composed of people from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Syria. Two women, one pregnant, were transferred to hospitals in Noto, Sicily. They arrived on a sailboat with a crew of four and police helicopters or planes took off after them to intercept the traffickers..
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