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More refugees rescued yesterday by ship Aquarius

The ship Aquarius, operated by the humanitarian italo-franco-german NGO SOS Mediterranee, saved 125 refugees aboard a rubber raft yesterday 15 miles from the Libyan coast west of Tripoli. SOS Mediterranee operates in partnership with Doctors Without Borders. The vessel in trouble was first noted by the merchant ship Deep Vision around 7:30 a.m.: its crew kept an eye on the raft until the Aquarius arrived. On board the raft were 108 men and 17 wome, two of whom were pregnant, and 21 minors, 20 of whom were unaccompanied children. In all 285 migrants disembarked at Messina. ALl had been aboard the humanitarian aid ship Golfo Azzurro, all having been rescued in the last few days from a large boat in the Strait of Sicily.
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