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and Vermont

Wish i could be there for this

In July Palermo was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its Arab-Norman architecture, including the cathedrals of Palermo, Monreale and Cefalu` and the Cappella Palatina, all aglitter with golden mosaic tiles. Not gilt mosaic tiles, but solid gold tiles. To make the most of this prestigious world-wide recognition, the city has put together a cultural and artistic itinerary of events to draw attention to these monuments, a hybrid architectural form that flourished in the Sicilian capital around 1,000 A.D. You can see a slideshow of the sites by clicking on the photo caption which takes you to an article in La Repubblica.

Tra terra e cielo: 18 eventi per il percorso Unesco

From 11 to 27 November the city plans 18 cultural events to be held inside the historic sites, from yoga and meditation with a Japanese master in the cloister of Monreale where people will be able to spend entire days to concerts and architecture workshops on the use of Sacred Space, song with Sicilian-Arab poetry, five free guided tours of the sites, dance, theater and oriental music, all events free and open to the public. Reservations are required by texting (3337097449) or by e mail (visionetrascendente@gmail. com).

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