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Multiple murder by migrants at sea; Christians thrown overboard

Sicilian police have jailed 15 Moslems accused of throwing more than ten Christians overboard into the open sea. They were a hundred moslems and Christians traveling together on a trafficker's rubber raft seeking to reach Sicily ( and Europe) when a fight over religion broke out.

A thousand refugees are expected to land in Sicily today. They are all on boats or rafts at sea.

Addendum 17 April 2015
From La Repubblica:

The police heard the awful stories of the survivors. After having set sail from the Libyan coast on 14 april on a rubber raft crammed with 105 passengers, mostly people from Senegal and the Ivory Coast, during the crossing the Nigerians and the Ghanaians (who were Christians) on board were first threatened with death, and then thrown into the sea. All the victims were were from Nigeria and Ghana. The survivors saved themselves from drowning by, in some cases, forming a real and true human chain. The 15 arrested arrived in Palermo two days ago aboard the ship Ellensborg, together with a group of a few more than 100 African citizens.

Addendum #2: I hate Fox News but CBS.com did not have it.

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/migrant-crisis-in-mediterranean-reaching-epidemic-levels/Dear CBS, What do you mean REACHING epidemic proportions? It IS epidemic and has been for years now.
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