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15-year-old Somali dies after rescue at sea

The medical examiner has yet to make his report on the cadaver that arrived with 303 rescued immigrants. None of the other 302 immigrants can leave the boat to set foot in Sicily until the doctor has reached a determination of how the boy died aboard the Doctors Without Borders rescue ship Dignity I in the Strait of Sicily. But La Repubblica reports the story heard from other refugees who were rescued at the same time.
They said the boy had a heart attack because of the beatings he received in Libya where he was forced to work without food or water.

Save the children says it is not an isolated case. That minors, often unaccompanied, are abused in every way at the Libyan port cities . In the past few monts Save the Children staff have listened to the stories of so many children and all talked about the atrocious conditions in which they were forced to live either in Libyan detention centers ( it is against the law to leave Libya) or in the places where the traffickers keep them before imbarcation. Women and minors receive the brunt of the abuse because they are the weakest and most vulnerable.
So far this year, 7,600 unaccompanied minors have made it to Europe, most of them Eritrean, Somalian and other east African and subSaharan countries, usually in terrible condition because of the brutalities they have suffered, said a Save The Children spokesperson.
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